Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hong Kong Museum of History

Whether it's a city I live in or a city I'm visiting, I love going to museums! The whole activity of going to a museum takes you away from the routine of every day life and the chaos from city life. For those quiet hours, you get to jump into the culture you are exploring. It's not just through traveling, but also in these museums that you learn so much about culture and life.

For a late morning activity before lunch, and instead of the usual shopping or eating, I visiting the Hong Kong Museum of History in Tsim Sha Tsui. If you have a couple hours and find yourself curious about the history of Hong Kong, I highly recommend this museum! But, if you go on a weekday get ready for loud and chaotic school kids running around.

These are some of the food related pictures from the museum:
Check out my Flickr album if you can't see the slide show here.


Gin said...

Hey Ja,
That looked pretty interesting! Did it say why they made the shrimp paste into blocks? was it for storage purposes?

Angela said...

Yeah, exactly. They still form it into blocks today throughout China and Southeast Asia. It's pretty cool to see when you walk around wet markets in Vietnam, Thailand, and Hong Kong.

This museum was so cool! If you ever make it out to HK, you gotta check it out.