
Monday, November 04, 2013

San Sebastian - Is this heaven?

If you love food.. love to eat, love to cook.. you have to go to San Sebastian, a true culinary mecca.  All that hype you read and watch about this place, it's all true.  In fact, it's beyond true.

San Sebastian, or Donostia in Basque, is a coastal city in northern Spain just about 20km south of the French border.  With endlesss blue waters along clean beaches, mixed with lush greenery covering this culture-rich city, this is truly one of the finest destinations Spain has to offer.

Centro and Parte Vieja are the heart of the city filled with shops, cafes, mercados, and endless back to back pintxos bars and restaurants.  The mercados, or markets, are indoors and incredibly clean.  All these fresh fishes and meats make you dream of having an apartment to cook everything offered there.  The pintxos bars just don't stop, and it's amazing.  There's a mix of traditional and modern, with specialty dishes in each of them.  Pace is the trick.  Take it easy on the eating and drinking in each spot, so you can seriously have the whole afternoon and/or evening of nibbling and sipping everything your heart desires.  I think San Sebastian could be heaven.

Non-stop eating, and drinking, starts now.

San Sebastian coastline

La Playa de La Concha

With the city in the backdrop

Parking lot for boats

Massive cube rocks along the coast


Catedral de Buen Pastor/Good Shepherd Cathedral

Walking through Parte Vieja/Old Town

The many streets of Parte Vieja

Mercado de la Bretxa

The side of the Mercado

Pre-packed for meals to cook at home

Bacalao/Salted Cod

Fresh Fish - check out those tunas!

Aisles of Jamón

San Martín shopping center and market

Impeccably clean indoor market

Now for the main event: Pintxos crawling!

A traditional pintxos bar

With sidras pouring action

A modern pintxos bar

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